
A(nother) tree falls in the forest

But is little heard.
Newsweek has just hailed the emergence of a booming market economy in Iraq as "the mother of all surprises," noting that "Iraqis are more optimistic about the future than most Americans are." The reason, of course, is that Iraqis know what is going on in their country while Americans are fed a diet of exclusively negative reporting from Iraq.
Instead, so-called reporters are obsessing on whether or not the only murderous 20th-century tyrant to be lawfully executed for subjugating and slaughtering his own subjects was perfectly respected in every detail on his way to the well-earned gallows. Feebs.
"Whatever happens, Iraq is Iraq," says a Kuwaiti businessman, building hotels in the south. "Iraq will always remain the country with the world's largest oil reserves and the Middle East's biggest resources of water."
One hears similar comments from local and foreign businessmen investing in real estate in Najaf and Karbala. Over 200 million Shiite Muslims regard the cities as holy. Najaf and Karbala have always been dream destinations for pilgrims. Under Saddam Hussein, however, few foreign pilgrims were allowed. With the despot gone, pilgrims are pouring in - and with them the fresh money.
The transition from a rentier economy - in which virtually the whole of the population depended on government handouts - to a free-market capitalist one entails much hardship for some segments of society. [...]
But, judging by the talk in teahouses and the debate in Iraq's new and pluralist media, most people welcome the switch to capitalism and regard it as an exciting adventure.
Expect to read endless stories about the hardships, and nothing about the welcome, for as long as the mainstream media can get away with it.

Then, of course, they'll drop Iraq reporting altogether.

1 comment:

David H. Roberson said...

Pilgrimage season to the holy shrines in Iraq begins this week. Surely that's a perfect news hook for a story about the economic impact of pilgrimages on these sites in the post-Saddam era. Oh, but that would be a positive story about events in Iraq -- can't have that. USA Today already did one last week. OK, then, let's run another story about car bombs. And, what's today's breaking news on Lindsay Lohan?
